About me

Hey, I’m Joe.

For 10+ years, I’ve been helping multimillion dollar companies and organizations earn engagement and revenue from their email lists.

I worked in house for most of my career.

I started as a marketing assistant, managing and publishing blog and email content.

In my last role, I was a digital marketing manager at a nonprofit, handling everything from PPC to email.

…And it burned me out.

So I doubled down on copywriting.

I took courses. I read studied direct response giants like David Ogilvy, Joe Sugarman, and Dan Kennedy.

Then, I applied what I learned to my day-job. I interviewed donors and program attendees, re-envisioned and relaunched the weekly newsletter of the nonprofit…and doubled its open and click rates.

And in January 2021, I quit to build a copywriting business.

Since then, I’ve worked with major brands like Huel, Traffic & Conversion Summit, Stacked Marketer, and many others.

A short list of things I love and am motivated by: 

  • Being husband to an amazing wife and father to two boys. They’re the best.

  • Training martial arts. I’m currently a 2nd degree black belt in taekwondo / hapkido.

  • Sipping beverages. Coffees and cocktails, baby.

  • Listening to records. My wife and I have a monthly date night built in: We take turns picking the record of the month, then listen with cocktails in hand.

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