
Rewind has solid writers and freelancers on their content team. But what they didn’t have were writers with copywriting chops.

I partnered with Rewind on several projects, namely email campaigns to promote a new product and encourage downloads for existing products, and landing page copy that would support their Black Friday / Cyber Monday campaigns.

I also suggested angles and concepts to their performance marketing team.

Not only did Rewind get solid copy…they also got fresh ideas they wouldn’t have otherwise.

For example: Quoting Mailchimp’s own account backup policy (or lack thereof) to show how vital their Backups for Mailchimp product is to business owners worried about crashes or cyber attacks.

Unfortunately I don’t have a pretty sample of that email, but you can see the landing page copy below to get a sense of my work. The Rewind team was so thrilled with the landing page copy, they didn’t make any changes.


  • Email copy

  • Landing page copy

  • Performance marketing campaign angles and concepts.


Stacked Marketer


Dynamic Catholic