Good Copywriting Will Take Time

Look, I get it. I was there, too.

You’ve got more marketing to-dos than hours in a day and not enough writers to churn out all the content and copy you need.

And if you run an agency, you may hate for me saying this.


Good copywriting takes time.

Now, I’m not saying it should take weeks or months.

But it shouldn’t take an hour, either.

Master copywriter Dan Kennedy says it best: 

“Be cautious of anybody too quick to agree on the assignment and race to the keyboard. In sales copywriting, preparation is more than half the battle.”

A good copywriter will:

✔️ Ask you A LOT of questions

✔️ Request product information, sales call notes & transcripts, and previous marketing collateral

✔️ Spend time researching, brainstorming, concepting, and even interviewing your customers

✔️ Write numerous headlines and drafts before sending you the finished copy

Preparation takes time.

But good preparation makes good work.

And good work gets results.

There are some things you just can’t automate.

Copywriting is one of them.

So find a copywriter who does their homework AND meets reasonable deadlines.

You’ll both win.

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