Get an email copy audit
A custom email copy review to help you nail your messaging so you make more money from your email campaigns.
What’s in a tune up?
It’s one thing to send emails people will actually open and read.
But getting them open their wallet and give you their hard-earned money is a whole ‘nother bucking, snorting animal.
…Which is why your email copy tune up will help you nail:
Your offer. I’ll review your offer, packaging, and pricing to make sure it’s as valuable, compelling, and risk-free as possible.
Your messaging. You’ll get ideas and recommendations for angles, copy frameworks, and even mini email flows to help you sell your offer more effectively. You’ll also get suggestions for improving your segmentation (if helpful). I’ll also review your web copy and point out any gaps or holes in your email tone and voice.
Your framing. Copy isn’t only what you say—it’s how you say it. I’ll help you frame your offer/promotion/brand and give you techniques for developing fresh angles so you can evoke emotion, warm desire, and motivate action.
100% refund. If you’re not happy with your tune up, I’ll happily refund you.
“Wait, who are you again?
I’m Joe Cunningham. I’m the managing editor of Stacked Marketer.
I write and have written email copy for B2B and DTC brands, including Stacked Marketer, Traffic & Conversion Summit, and many others.
I’m known for writing email campaigns that:
People enjoy reading.
Make customers buy (last year I helped one of my clients increase annual revenue by 20%…and I’m still working with them).
Motivate customers give that product a second chance.
Inspire one-time buys to become third-time buys.
…You get the idea.
How does the review process work?
Once you book your review, within 24 business hours I’ll send you six specific questions and ask for your email assets. You’ll share those, I’ll look them over, and you’ll have actionable suggestions within 48 hours of sending your email assets.
When will you share the results?
You’ll get them within 48 hours of sending me your email marketing assets.
Is the review free?
Yes, this review is free. $0.
Are you gonna pitch me?
Maybe. Maybe not. Really depends on the nature of your email campaigns and whether or not I think my services would make sense.
For now, rest assured my only purpose here is to help you improve your email campaigns.
Aren’t you a little curious to know what opportunities your email campaigns might be missing?
No fluff. Just good feedback.
I worked in-house on two marketing teams for a combined 7+ years.
I know how busy things get and how easy it is to send less-than-optimal campaigns, especially when you’re under the clock.
And I know how valuable it was getting my marketing director or my managing editor to review my campaigns and make sure they were prepared to deliver.
So now, I’m offering the same to you.
And if you’d like a sense of how I work and think about emails, you can see how I edited an ad placement for Stacked Marketer here.
“...a subject line genius.”
—Beth Brodovsky, Iris Creative
“…his copy was so good we couldn't not work with him again.”
—Amy Llambias, Traffic & Conversion Summit
“Ever since he joined our Crew at Stacked Marketer, Joe's been outstanding. He's been great at writing and editing across all our content, and the reactions from our readers show it.”
—Emanuel Cinca, Stacked Marketer