The sales primer welcome email [ TEMPLATE ]

Transform new leads and subscribers from passive consumers to active participants in your marketing and sales process…

No email or contact info needed.

“Wait, who are you?”

I’m Joe Cunningham, the managing editor of Stacked Marketer.

I’m also a conversion email copy who has written for 6–7 figure brands like Huel, Stacked Marketer, Traffic & Conversion Summit, and others.

After 4 years working on a variety of projects, I’m focused on one thing: Helping marketing SaaS and service companies get attributable revenue from their email lists through lead priming sequences.

“...a subject line genius.”

—Beth Brodovsky, Iris Creative

“…his copy was so good we couldn't not work with him again.” 

—Amy Llambias, Traffic & Conversion Summit

“Ever since he joined our Crew at Stacked Marketer, Joe's been outstanding. He's been great at writing and editing across all our content, and the reactions from our readers show it.”

—Emanuel Cinca, Stacked Marketer

My work in action

Want a sense of how I work and think about emails and conversion copy?

You can see how I edited an ad placement for Stacked Marketer here.

Want to know how you can shorten sales cycles and increase conversions with your emails?